Welcome to Labour Social, the unapologetically candid and fiercely independent political channel that stands alongside the UK Labour Party, helping bridge the gap between Labour MPs and Labour voters. With a diverse roster of contributors including Graham Hughes, Phil Moorhouse, SuperTanskiii, Ollie Bowlerhatman, Ben Chambers, Femi Oluwole & Aid Thompsin, we aim to galvanise change, help propel Labour into power, and ensure they uphold their promises once in office. Through a dynamic blend of live videos and pre-recorded content, we offer a platform where viewers are not just spectators, but active participants in the conversation. Join the discourse, challenge ideas, and help reshape the political landscape.


New content every day!

Weekdays 9.30am

Start the morning with a relaxed and informal chat about what’s happening in the news, current affairs and political shenanigans.

Daily 4pm / 8pm 

Graham Hughes drops his hot take on what’s going on in the news. Be prepared for some choice words about our dysfunctional government.

Fridays 1pm

Join Phil Moorhouse and Graham Hughes as the cast their expert eyes over the political news of the week

Sundays 4pm 

Phil Moorhouse explains Labour Policy in an easy and accessible way.

THE SWEAR JAR  with Supertanskiii – LIVE!
Mondays 8pm

It’s tough trying not to turn the air blue when talking about the Tories, but we try our best to keep things civil… if not, another coin goes in the Swear Jar!

Tuesdays 9pm 

Wind down at the end of the week with a revolving roster of YouTube influencers as they chat about all the news and politics that’s fit to stream!

GEOSCOPE with BowlerHatMan – LIVE
Tuesdays 9pm

Join Ollie “BowlerHatMan” for a weekly rundown of what’s going on in the world outside of British Politics.

PUNKPOLITIX with aidThompsin
Saturdays 4pm 

A weekly supercut of material from stand-up star aidThompsin and his various “disappointments”.


Join us for a pint and a natter with some familiar faces from the Labour Party.


A program about intersectionality and what a crucial role everyone looking out for each other has to play in the 21st century.

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Website created by Graham Hughes, 2023